Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Acupuncture and Hibernation

This week, I got acupuncture for the first time. I had heard great things about it, and so when I saw a Groupon, I snatched that bad boy right up. After I bought it, I found out that my insurance covers 24 visits of acupuncture per year, so that was a good waste of $40. 

Anyway, I was a little bit nervous about it. Particularly about the needle part. The acupuncturist asked me some very intimate questions—males should not read this next part. This means you, Billy—like the color, thickness, and odor of my blood on my period. Yuck. I’ll spare you my responses. After giving him my menstrual autobiography, the acupuncturist then asked me if I had any questions to which I said “No” (I REALLY just wanted for him to get on with it). He said, “Wow, you must have done a lot of research then”. Ummmm…sure.

He then proceeded to look at my tongue—thank goodness I brushed my teeth that morning. Apparently, you can tell a lot about how your body is functioning by what your tongue looks like. My tongue is too purple, has thicker than normal white-stuff yum, and the sides of it have teeth markings. Which means that my liver isn't doing a good job, I have excess phlegm in my body, and my liver isn't doing a good job. So apparently, I've been diagnosed as a raging alcoholic? 

He then took my pulse in two different spots on each wrist. He felt stagnation in the spot that coincides with my reproductive organs, so either he really found something or he just read what I wrote on my patient form: infertility because of endometriosis (spell check wanted to change that to optometrists). And from another pulse spot, he could tell that I hold my stress and tension in my neck and shoulders—that one was more impressive.

After he diagnosed me, I lay down fully clothed, and he started putting in those damn needles. He put about 5 in my left hand, 1 between my eyes, 1 in my right hand, and then 5 more on my legs and feet. And then he left me alone for 40 minutes. I’m not gonna lie--my left hand kind of hurt like a mother. I think he poked a nerve. And halfway through, my legs started twitching. When he took the needles out, I was so relieved, but also kind of scared because I had little red spots where the needles had been. I also didn't realize there would be blood on the needles afterwards. Cue my squeamishness.

I know you are supposed to keep doing treatments weekly for acupuncture, but I wasn't too impressed. I was kind of thinking it would be more pleasant—like a massage. I believe it works and all, but I also believe I am more of a modern medicine kind of gal. I’m too skeptical to do anything that unpleasant again unless they give me Valium. My fertility clinic gives me Valium during some of the more painful procedures and it is definitely my drug of choice. In the Griffith family, half of the children have the TBG gene (Thomas Beall Griffith) which means that we are perfectionists, have OCD, have major anxiety, and can’t shut off our planning brains just like our Daddy. That Valium is the temporary cure to my TBG woes.

After that eventful appointment, this weekend was pretty embarrassing for the Strong household. A friend once commented on how adventurous we are—probably because of my relentless Instagram feed @torstrong which tries to prove how much fun we have. However, I am here to attest to you that most of the time, we are about as fun as your typical old married couple. You would think we were hibernating. In our defense, there really is nothing to do on winter nights except eat and watch movies. We had planned on going down to St. George, but it wasn't that much warmer down there and I can only golf in at least 70 degree weather. Plus, our golfing buddies couldn't make it down with us. 

In Provo, the bone-chilling wind howled for three days straight and we had the house to ourselves, so of course we ventured outside as little as possible. I think we left the house maybe four times in three days. I would be shocked if our total TV time was less than 30 hours. Once while on a diet coke run, I told Billy I had to drive so I could use my brain for something (since driving takes so much brain power?) On a less depressing note, I made a scientific discovery—your muscles CAN atrophy in a single day.

Below is an actual conversation that took place on Sunday night:

Billy: We should move

Me: So we can get a puppy? Great idea, I’ll start looking at apartments! (My mother-in-law has a strict No Pets Living at the Compound rule)

Billy: I meant off the couch.

So, needless to say, we are already in the right frame of mind for a good old-fashioned wear-your-leggings-so-you-can-watch-football-and-stuff-your-face Thanksgiving dinner.

I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving with your family and loved ones!
I'll be dreaming of warmer and more productive times in Cabo and Lake Powell. While still being thankful, of course.
Billy teaching me to surf
Boat ride with my Macster

Strong Family

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fun/Not So Fun Facts Learned This Week

Fall can’t last forever.

Buffalo Wild Wing’s Caribbean Jerk sauce tastes just like a Christmas tree.

I’m in love with Katy Perry.

Billy learned that the best way to get me out of bed on a cold Saturday morning is to bribe me with Marley’s cinnamon rolls.

If you try to carry too many things into the car, you will lose all bodily awareness and get a concussion from the roof of the car. Stars for hours, dude.

If a child in your Primary class rips a huge one, don’t take the blame. It will cause more panic and confusion. Because everyone knows teachers don’t fart.

My nephews are even bigger babies about the cold than I am. I don’t know why they kept asking for gloves while throwing snow slushballs? Our future children are destined to get pneumonia every winter.
Jet lasted for all of 2.75 minutes

Mac's fingers may or may not be stuck that way
And...my parents are moving back to Virginia. They bought this gorgeous old plantation home on 8 acres pictures below with the help of my older sister who is a very talented and super hot real estate agent. My dad can't stop talking about the softball field they are going to build for all of the grandkids. He may have been watching a little too much Field of Dreams. But, isn't it just gorgeous? We might have to shack up with them again. 

I'm really thrilled about it, because I actually think their move will let me see more of my sisters and their kids who live out there. Which will also give me an excuse to rack up those SkyMiles.

And lastly, cuddling temporarily cures the pains that come with a constantly empty uterus. And the pains of cold weather.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Love Handles

You guys.

Something miraculous happened last night. Like truly amazing. I went to find some workout socks from my drawer and I was completely out. This has never happened to me. EVER. I try to do our laundry every 3 weeks (before you judge me, it’s called recycling old outfits. Look it up.) I know, I’m a disgusting person.

This lack of socks was so thrilling to me because it means that I have kept up with my new workout regime.

You see, I go through spurts of wanting to be healthy. I’ve learned to stop telling Billy when I quit carbs/sugar/gluten/meat. He has no faith in my resolve and so I’ve learned to blame him when these fads last for a week or two.  When we lived in Minnesota, I even went running every day  for about a month. Then, I was like “Wait, do I have to keep doing this forever?” And I chose to stop because that kind of commitment was way too overwhelming. I’ve got some deep psychological issues, I know.

Anyway, I have been running on the treadmill for about a month now with no plans of stopping. I’ve been doing the Couch to 5k program. It’s designed for fat pieces of crap like myself who never elevates her heart rate above 40 bpm. Each week, the routine changes and gradually gets harder. The idea is that it is way too hard on your body to just start running a few miles every day when you haven’t been exercising in ages. Running rookies named Tori will do this and then quit because it wears them out too much. So, by easing your body into it over 9 weeks, you will hopefully be able to like running instead of dread it. And to be able to run a 5k without collapsing. I HIGHLY recommend it. I have an app for it that keeps me on track. You can play your music on your phone and it will interrupt you to tell you when to start walking/jogging/cooling down.  The app is called C25K Free. Technology, man.

I’m really excited that I am strengthening my muscles and stamina (not that kind of stamina, pervs) and it has been making me eat healthier as a result. I’ll eat about a pound of candy (not an exaggeration) and then go running and it HURTS SO BAD. Halloween week, I literally thought I had ruptured a kidney. So, in order to make my run easier on myself, I’ll eat better. It’s a heavenly cycle. Time will only tell how long it’ll last.

While we’re on the topic of my ever-thickening arteries, what is the deal with marriage and my ever-thickening waistline? I swear, as soon as I said “I Do”, I gained 10 pounds. Does my body realize that I’m stuck with one person forever and immediately go into depressed, binge eating mode? I've heard many explanations for this phenomenon, but none of them make sense to me. I did not go on a wedding diet. We ate out the same amount before and after we were married (which is to say, every meal). I actually did way more exercise after we sealed the deal—if ya know what I mean. Seriously, it baffles me. They should do a research study on it. I would donate to that.

And now here are some pictures of me being super athletic. Circa 2009. Because no one wants to see me circa 2013.
Turkey Bowl 2009

Now I know why NFL players don't pose for their pictures. Awkward...

It would be a shame to all of mankind if we never have kids.

Have a good weekend errybody!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tried to Domesticate Ya

It’s time for me to face the facts. I’ve known it was coming for a while now. It’s the unspoken Mormon housewife checklist:

1) Get married. 
2) Get a kickass job. 
3) Buy a puppy.
4) Pop out some chilluns.
5) Start a blog.
6) Buy a mansion.
7) Travel the world. (Billy wants to go into outer space, but he is so on his own for that one)

I hate this checklist. It makes me feel confined and too domesticated. If you know me, then you know that the sole purpose of my life is to think of everything that is expected of me...and then do the exact opposite. I about died of embarrassment by getting married at 20. It went against everything I believed in. Plus, a high school teacher once bet me that I would not be able to graduate from BYU without getting married and I soooo wanted to win that bet. 

I can’t don’t cook, I’m a sugar mama, I finished my degree while my husband protested (he’s charmingly sexist…in a good way)

I don’t even have Pinterest!

Before you think I am the worst wife that ever got married at 20, let me clarify the real reasons why I hate this checklist. We haven’t bought a puppy because we don’t own a house--we can’t buy a house because we will be living off of food stamps for the next 4 years while trudging through medical school in who-knows-where? And I’ve got the fallopian tubes of a 90-year old. 

Suffice it to say, even though I really do want to gradually mark off the checklist, I am completely unable to. And when the universe tells me no, I want it BAD. Since I graduated, I have really had an itch to start writing again—but nobody was assigning me essays, it was the darnedest thing! So, I assigned myself the task of starting this blog.

Why Bonnie and Clyve, you may ask? Well, one time a stranger said “You guys are named Tori and Billy? Those are the perfect outlaw names!” So, naturally I thought “Hey, we are just like Bonnie and Clyde!” And I've been telling myself that in my head ever since. Also, Billy legitimately wants to name our first son Clyve. Or Merlin. So, since that’s definitely not happening, I’ll help a brotha out.

Our full names are William and Victoria, which I think sounds like royalty, but we are so not proper or well-mannered or any of that garbage, so I like the rebel ones better. Don’t be fooled that Billy will EVER write in this blog. It’s all mine. My Facebook is really all mine too, except when people start writing us messages in Spanish, and then it's all his. But, he is my best friend and my inspiration (gag me) in just about everything so I will be posting a lot about him. So, I guess he can be mentioned in the title. Hopefully it makes up for the all the times I publicly humiliate him.
Starting now.

Isn't he just a babe?

Please don’t take this blog too seriously. Mostly, I just like thinking out loud and writing and being dramatic. 

Over and out.